Frequently Asked Questions
How does Blue Bunny address the important issue of food safety in its manufacturing processes?
Wells Enterprises, Inc. is committed to providing safe products for consumers to enjoy and takes food safety seriously. Wells maintains comprehensive quality assurance and food safety programs and systems in our manufacturing facilities that are rooted in the food safety fundamentals of FDA's HARPC (Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls), Sanitary Control, and adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP's). These programs are designed to prevent potential issues with Listeria monocytogenes and other pathogens. In addition, all Wells manufacturing facilities are certified at the highest food safety level (SQF v8.0) as defined by the Safe Quality Food institute, an organization committed to delivering consistent, globally recognized food safety and quality certification programs. This certification is conducted annually. For more information on SQF visit: www.sqfi.com
What Blue Bunny products are gluten-free?
Blue Bunny does not presently validate or certify that our products are "gluten-free" and consequently we do not label our products as such. We are committed to using the highest quality ingredients and reflect all required nutritional information in the nutrition label on each package, to assist consumers in purchasing products that meet their dietary and lifestyle needs.
What Blue Bunny products are GMO-free?
Wells Enterprises, Inc. ensures that our products meet or exceed all applicable safety and quality standards and we use only ingredients that have been approved by applicable regulatory authorities, including FDA and USDA. At present Wells Enterprises does not guarantee products we produce are completely GMO-free.
What steps are taken to address allergens?
Wells Enterprises is aware of the effects of allergenic substances and therefore strives to ensure that products are properly manufactured and labeled to protect the consumer. In addition to closely adhering to specific formulas for each item, we have programs in place to help prevent cross contact. Our commitment to product safety ensures that when any of the eight most common allergens (milk, eggs, fish, wheat, tree nuts, peanuts, soybeans and crustaceans) are present in any of our products it will be clearly listed on our ingredient label on packaging.
All Wells' manufacturing facilities, freezer and warehouse are Safe Quality Foods (SQF) certified. For more information on allergens please contact Consumer Response at 1-800-331-0830 or contact us online.